- Aces Library, Info. & Alumni Center
- Activities & Recreation Center (ARC)
- Admissions And Records Building
- Advanced Computation Bldg
- Aeronautical Laboratory A
- Agricultural Bioprocess Lab
- Agricultural Engineering Sciences Building
- Alice Campbell Alumni Center
- Allen Residence Hall
- Altgeld Hall
- Animal Sciences Laboratory
- Architecture Building
- Armory
- Art And Design Building
- Art-East Annex, Studio 1
- Art-East Annex, Studio 2
- Assembly Hall
- Astronomy Building
- Babcock Hall (PAR)
- Barton Hall
- Beckman Institute
- Bevier Hall
- Blaisdell Hall (PAR)
- Burnsides Research Laboratory
- Burrill Hall
- Busey Hall
- Business Instructional Facility
- Campus Recreation Center - East
- Canopy Club
- Carr Hall (PAR)
- Ceramics Building
- Ceramics Kiln House
- Chemical & Life Sciences Laboratory
- Chemistry Annex
- Civil Engineering Hydrosystems Lab
- Clark Hall
- Computing Applications Building
- Coordinated Science Laboratory
- Dance Studio
- Daniels Hall
- Davenport Hall
- David Kinley Hall
- Digital Computer Laboratory
- Education Building
- Engineering Hall
- Engineering Sciences Building
- English Building
- Evans Hall
- Everitt Elec & Comp Engr Lab
- Firehaus
- Flagg Hall
- Foellinger Auditorium
- Forbes Hall
- Foreign Languages Building
- Freer Hall
- Garner Hall
- Grainger Engineering Library
- Gregory Hall
- Harding Band Building
- Henry Administration Building
- Hopkins Hall
- Huff Hall
- Hydrogen Liquefier Building
- Ice Arena
- Illini Hall
- Illini Inn
- Illini Union
- Illini Union Bookstore
- Irwin Indoor Football Facility
- Joe's Brewery
- Kenney Gymnasium
- Krannert Art Museum
- Krannert Center For Performing Arts
- Law Building
- Legends Bar and Grill
- Library
- Library And Information Science Bldg
- Lincoln Avenue Residence Hall
- Lincoln Hall
- Loomis Laboratory Of Physics
- Lundgren Hall
- Materials Science And Eng Bldg
- Mckinley Health Center
- Mechanical Engineering Building
- Mechanical Engineering Laboratory
- Medical Sciences Building
- Memorial Stadium
- Micro And Nanotechnology Laboratory
- Morrill Hall
- Mumford Hall
- Murphy's Pub
- Music Building
- National Soybean Research Center
- Natural History Building
- Natural Resources Building
- Newman Center
- Noble Hall
- Noyes Laboratory Of Chemistry
- Nuclear Engineering Laboratory
- Nuclear Radiation Laboratory
- Observatory
- Oglesby Hall (FAR)
- Plant Sciences Laboratory
- Psychology Laboratory
- Red Lion
- Richmond Studio
- Roger Adams Laboratory
- Saunders Hall (PAR)
- Scott Hall
- Seitz Materials Research Lab
- Siebel Center For Computer Science
- Siebel Center for Design
- Snyder Hall
- Stock Pavilion
- Student Dining and Residential Programs (Ike)
- Surveying Building
- Taft Hall
- Talbot Laboratory
- Temple Hoyne Buell Hall
- The Clybourne
- Timothy J. Nugent Hall
- Townsend Hall (ISR)
- Transportation Building
- Trelease Hall (FAR)
- Turner Hall
- Undergraduate Library (UGL)
- Van Doren Hall
- Wardall Hall (ISR)
- Weston Hall
- White Horse
- Wohlers Hall
- Wood Engineering Laboratory